December 20, 2018 1 min read
This afternoon, we were honored to learn that we have been named in the first ever Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Family Favorites survey. We have been listed in the categories for Elementary Science (Introductory Science), Middle School Science (Life Science), and High School Biology (Biology). The results of this survey will be used by Teach Them Diligently to compile a Family Favorites guide to be published in 2019. To even be included in the survey is humbling, and is entirely thanks to your continued support. Thank you!
Now, will you take a moment to vote for Science Shepherd? Teach Them Diligently is so serious about this survey they are giving away $500 Visa gift cards to 4 winners, and have even encouraged us to ask for your vote!
Science Shepherd
PS - Fan of Unearthing the Bible? Use the "Other" option to write it in for the category you use it for!
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