Homeschool Videos & Material
Science Shepherd
Astronomy: God's Universe Biology Earth Science Fundamentals of Chemistry
Fundamentals of Physics Introductory Science Life Science Physical Science Unearthing the Bible
Enroll in a free preview of Astronomy: God's Universe through our student learning portal. The preview includes 3 complete lesson videos and the corresponding pages for Workbook Level A and Level B so you can easily compare and select the right Level for your student. Or watch a single lesson video below.
Visit our student portal to access a free preview of the Biology Video Course. The preview includes 4 complete lessons, a corresponding section of the Biology Textbook, a full lab video, and a full chapter of online review questions. Or watch a single lesson video below.
The fetal pig dissection sample does show a portion of the actual dissection. If you would like to continue, click here to watch the dissection sample.
Access a free preview of Earth Science through our student learning portal! The preview includes 3 complete lesson videos and the corresponding pages for Workbook Level A and Level B so you can easily compare and select the right Level for your student. Or watch a single lesson video below.
Enroll in a free preview of the Fundamentals of Chemistry Video Course through our student platform. The preview includes 4 complete lessons, a corresponding section of the Fundamentals of Chemistry Textbook, and a full chapter of online review questions. Or watch a single lesson below.
Watch a sample lesson video below, or enroll in a free preview of our physics curriculum for homeschool through our student learning portal. The preview includes 3 complete lessons, a corresponding section of the Fundamentals of Physics Textbook, and a full chapter of online review questions.
Access a free preview of Introductory Science through our student learning portal. The preview includes 6 complete lesson videos and the corresponding pages for Workbook Level A and Level B so you can easily compare and select the right Level for your student. Or watch a single lesson below.
Enroll in a free preview of the Life Science Video Course through our student portal. The preview includes 3 complete lessons, a corresponding section of the Life Science Textbook, and a full chapter of online review questions. Or watch a single lesson below.
Enroll in a free preview of Physical Science through our student learning portal. The preview includes 4 complete lesson videos and the corresponding pages for Workbook Level A and Level B so you can easily compare and select the right Level for your student. Or watch a single lesson video below.
Enroll in a free preview of Unearthing the Bible through our student learning portal. The preview includes 2 complete lesson videos and the corresponding workbook pages. Or watch a single lesson below.
If you're not sure which Science Shepherd course is right for your family, check out our Recommended Course Progression blog post. It presents the "official" sequence for completing Science Shepherd material and the general age/grade range for each class.
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