  • Our History

    Science Shepherd Christian Homeschool Curriculum was developed by a homeschool dad, Dr. Scott Hardin, who experienced firsthand the need for quality higher level science curricula for the homeschool community.

    "We have been homeschooling our six children since 1998. As our oldest child got nearer and nearer to first junior and then senior high school, we began to have conversations with other parents about continuing homeschooling as their children proceeded through the higher grade levels. Unfortunately, some parents made the decision not to continue homeschooling their children through the higher grades, and one of the most common reasons was because of concern about not being able to provide excellent higher-level science education. We have developed the Science Shepherd Life Science and Biology programs so that parents can feel confident their children's higher-level science needs will be more than adequately met, thus helping to allow the continuance of homeschooling through the higher grade levels. More recently, we saw a need at all levels for courses utilizing more technologically advanced modes of presentation, such as integrating video, pictures and graphics into a streaming teaching format. So, we began to branch out and produce more and more homeschool science courses for all grade levels with that specific goal in mind, including Introductory Science for grade school, and a Biblical archaeology class. Now, we offer Chemistry and Physics, and continue to add additional material."

    -Science Shepherd Owner and Author Dr. Scott Hardin, MD

    Available Homeschool Curriculum

    Our Authors and Team


    AUTHOR - Astronomy: God's Universe, Biology, Earth Science, Fundamentals of Chemistry & Physics, Life Science, Introductory Science, Physical Science, Unearthing the Bible

    Scott Hardin holds a Bachelor of Science degree, with honors, from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, as well as a Medical Doctor degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin, and has been practicing medicine in Wisconsin since 1997. He and his wife have been homeschooling their six children for over 20 years.

    If you would like Dr. Hardin to speak at your event, please contact us at

    Josh Watson, BA

    AUTHOR - Astronomy: God's Universe, Unearthing the Bible

    Josh Watson holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from the The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, CA, and is currently an ordained Pastor of Adult Education at White Stone Community Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, where he lives with his wife and four children.