We are loving Science Shepherd [Astronomy], it has been so much fun, and my daughter looks forward to doing science now.
Erica Arndt, Confessions of a Homeschooler, Read Full Review
Just have to say how awesome Science Shepherd Homeschool Science Curriculum is! Our girls have just completed Life Science and Astronomy and we have all learned so much. Having it all taught from a biblical perspective is great and exposing all the faults in Naturalism, understanding it’s perspective as well was epic for our girls. I let them follow up with YouTube videos for extra study which are all from a naturalist perspective and they can point out every fault and then explain it to me either scientifically or biblically, why it is incorrect.
Justin H., Canada
My son (12 years old) has been really enjoying this course, more than any other science course he had taken!
Emily B.
Thorough, systematic, understandable, and absolutely usable in the homeschool…I took biology and AP Biology in high school, and I believe Science Shepherd Biology covers more topics in more depth than both of my years of high school biology.
Debra Brinkman, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, Read Full Review
We are in our first Science Shepherd course this year and are totally loving it. I am homeschooling our two sixth graders and ninth grader. I am somewhat scaling for the 6th graders but finding they are striving and thriving well. I am thoroughly enjoying learning and relearning along with them as it has been quite a while since I minored in Biology in college.
Dr. Gibbs, Retired Teacher and Professor, Read Full Review
Dr. Hardin achieved his goal of creating an excellent upper-level, student-directed science course that even science-phobic homeschool parents can teach with confidence
Kris, Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers, Read Full Review
I will be recommending the Video Course [with] 3 book set to everyone looking for high school Biology curriculum. This is my third year to homeschool and this course is the best homeschool course we have ever used. The recommended schedule is easy to follow, and the videos are of a high quality. The content is challenging and appropriate. I also like the test questions. They require you have a better understanding of the information than the standard multiple choice/matching test. Also, my daughter is going to have more and better labs than I had in school . I am very glad I chose Science Shepherd for Biology. Thanks for creating such a great homeschool curriculum.
Jennifer B.
The course [Biology] has the kind of depth that I did not come across when I took high school Advanced Biology! Our children will be very prepared for any college level biology after diligently completing this course! Thank you for all of your efforts in producing the course!
Julia U., California
. . . we were offered to review Science Shepherd Biology Set and it has changed my 9th grade daughter’s sour view of science back into fun.
Jacquelin Caffey, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, Read Full Review
We have made it to chapter 19. No turning back. I discarded 3 other biology courses before hearing about this program on the Homeschooling IRL podcast. I love how cutting edge the information is in this book. I am also amazed how the author can reword a challenging concept 3-4 different ways and it finally makes sense. Reading this right along with my daughter. And, as a former Biology teacher...I find myself amazed. Super pleased!
Sarah G., Illinois
It is absolutely no wonder to me that you received this award. I have found your high school biology amazing. It is detailed and yet easy to understand, using proper vocabulary. It is not preachy and goes to the heart of biology. The layout is clear with wonderful diagrams and smooth transitions. The places that instruction repeats are useful tools to pulling together the material. I have found no other biology course that even comes close. We have enjoyed it so very much at my house. Please, please do a Chemistry and Physics class with labs… in that order.
Sami W. and Children
What a terrific course. My son, the avid history buff, greatly enjoyed this Biology program. I enjoyed this course much more than my Biology classes 40 years ago.
Rosanna K.
I stumbled upon Science Shepherd Biology. Immediately, I was impressed! I liked that it was written by a physician; that encouraged me! A doctor should know his biology! I liked that the course included human anatomy, something that many books don’t have in the first level. This may be her only biology course she takes, so it needed to have human anatomy. The book is colorful and engaging. There are tons of diagrams, flow charts, and pictures. Everything from cells, genetics, plants, DNA and RNA, the animal kingdoms, human anatomy, ecology, and evolution vs. creationism is included.
This is an extremely well-designed biology course and the lab components are sure to win a lot of accolades as more homeschooling parents experience this course.
Jess, Rainbow Resource Center, Read Full Review
It holds my interest, looks appealing, doesn’t overwhelm or intimidate me. Science Shepherd Biology is one biology curriculum I believe my less-interested students could have gotten through fairly painlessly, learning quite a bit along the way!... The lesson format is user-friendly, making it possible for a student to work through the text independently.
Homeschool Enrichment Magazine, Fall 2010 Issue
Science Shepherd Biology is an excellent course. This curriculum is thorough, systematic, understandable and absolutely usable in the homeschool. I am excited to see what the future holds for this up and coming company. If they produce such beautiful, orderly, complete curriculum right out of the gate, I look forward to seeing what they do in the future. I highly recommend Science Shepherd Biology!
Kate Kessler, Product Reviews Manager, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, Read Full Review
I just wanted to write and say that we absolutely have been loving the Earth Science course! We are huge fans of creation science and the videos/workbook are perfect for our homeschool.
Jayni S.
We are loving this one to the fullest!!! . . . I truly appreciate Science Shepherd, because of the true biblical worldview, always placing God’s word as our ultimate authority, while teaching good science! We have done Introductory Science, and now Earth Science, and my husband and I are also learning so much! We loved learning about the glaciers! My girls (7 and 10) say Science Shepperd Science is their favorite subject.
Leticia Buehl
Science Shepherd is the numero uno science curriculum! It is independent, so I don’t need Mum. It changes topic every 3-4 weeks, so stays really interesting. The introductory course has many topics. It is fun! The videos are short, and packed with fascinating information. Our family is also enjoying Unearthing the Bible together during our morning time. Science Shepherd is great!
R. Walker, age 9
We are doing this right now. We are loving it. My son (and I!) are learning so much!!!
Leslie B.
I want to thank you for teaching [my son] this semester. He is really enjoying your class and understanding his work. Thank you for writing a textbook that makes subjects like chemistry and physics feel more accessible for students who want to learn science but may not necessarily study science beyond high school. The way that you've written the material is understandable and easy to follow, and it has been very helpful for [him].
Thank you also for your emphasis on helping the students understand the material and not just memorize it. This emphasis on learning/understanding the subject matter, combined with an excellent textbook and class have aligned well with our homeschool philosophy. [He] is a diligent student, and his first loves are writing, reading, and playing the piano. He's often felt afraid of science in the past, but this class makes it understandable and practical, and it has been of great benefit to him. Thank you so much! It is fun for me to see him really enjoying what he is learning.
Tammy B.
Thanks so much for creating this incredible curriculum. My kids LOVE science and this curriculum keeps them so engaged. My Grade 8 son is working through the Chemistry and Physics this year and loves how he can do it independently. It is the only subject that he gets excited to work on and is always ahead of schedule. He doesn’t like Biology but said “As long as it is Science Shepherd then I’ll do it” which is what we’ll be doing as a family next year.
Epp Family
Science Shepherd has me in awe! I found myself completely shocked to discover how easy it is for my daughter to truly just trek on at her own pace. The capability of her to rewatch a short video again and again if she needs to, or keep going when she is ready is phenomenal.
Creative Madness Mama, Read Full Review
My children are sad to be done with your Introductory Science course. So am I! It made science so easy this year! . . . The videos were great too! My children have been retaining almost everything, and I think it’s because of the visuals that they were able to see on the videos. And, your price is simply unbeatable! I’ve been trying to tell everyone I know, who homeschools, to use your Introductory Science course . . . Thank you!!!!!
Mrs. L.
I’m thoroughly impressed with Science Shepherd’s Introductory Science course. Its “open and go” design is incredibly user-friendly for homeschooling parents. The lessons, presented in a simple yet detailed manner, make complex concepts easy to grasp, and the well-timed video lessons engage learners without overwhelming them.
The Homeschooling Momma, Read Full Review
I just wanted to let you know how happy I am to have discovered your curriculum. I have been homeschooling our 7 children for many years but only recently learned about your science curriculum. We have always struggled with being consistent in doing Elementary science but this year has been so different using your DVD program. What a blessing! We look forward to using your other materials in the future.
Jennifer P.
We are loving the Introductory Science course. It is just the perfect amount of time and information for my 7 yr old.
Beth M.
I wanted to let you know we LOVE Science Shepherd! I have been homeschooling my 8 children for over 22 years now. I’ve graduated 4 students, and still have 4 students to go. Science has always been so hard for me to do with them. It’s not a subject I enjoy or one which I did very well in in school myself. You have made Science a pleasure! Thank you! The video lessons are short and concise, but packed with great information! Each lesson has the Biblical worldview we desired and the workbooks are easy enough for even my 7 yo to do too. And the video lessons allow my older kids can work independently on their Science program. I have finally found the Science we can stick with! I’m so grateful and thankful!
C. Lemay
These courses fit a unique niche in the homeschool market since they are designed for independent study, teach at a challenging level, deal with the evolution/creation question in a manner not offensive to creationists, and provide a lab component, all without requiring parental involvement beyond checking answers.
Cathy Duffy Reviews, Read Full Review
What do you do when you’re a homeschooling dad and a medical doctor and you don’t see many good options for parents tackling high school science at home? Why, you write your own, of course! And the result is impressive, especially for a newcomer to the curriculum scene. Author Scott Hardin didn’t just reinvent the wheel here – I think he’s added the equivalent of antigravity boosters with some of the excellent features he’s built in.
Jess, Rainbow Resource Center, Read Full Review
Our family found the Life Science set from Science Shepherd to be a good middle school level science course. The organization was well thought out. The book covers material, builds upon it, and then refers to previously learned facts while continuing to provide deeper information. We look forward to using this course with our children for years to come!
Donna Campos, Senior Product Reviewer, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, Read Full Review
Just wanted to drop a quick note and say how much we are enjoying the Life Science curriculum. Hands down, it is the best program out there. Do wish it had a lab book with it, but that’s not a deterrent or negative. We absolutely will use the Biology program and have given the Life Science text rave reviews to anyone who is interested.
Ellen K.
My youngest is three years old, and he loved [the board books]. My older two kids enjoyed reading them to him, too. These are the best board books I have ever seen. We love all of the interesting facts about the unique animals and the message about how God created us at the end. Thank you!
Hendricks Family
A direct quote from my 12-year old, "I actually like this curriculum! I'm learning a lot more than in my other science classes."
Blessed Homeschool, Watch Full Review
I have to say that this is the most user friendly, comprehensive, and engaging Science curriculum that we have used for our children in our 14 years of homeschooling. Physical Science was always the year (in the past with other curricula) that we began to not enjoy Science as much because it was so taxing on our time.....YOUR CURRICULUM HAS BEEN A DREAM!! It's just the right amount of time and we can add more experiments and illustrative videos if needed!!! Thank you for creating this awesome program!!
Sauers Family
We loved this course! It was a very clear, engaging, and enjoyable introduction to chemistry, physics, and astronomy!
Ashton Family
My 8th grader is using Science Shepherd Physical Science and loves it. He went from a hater of science and video lessons to raving about science everyday. He is currently recruiting his younger siblings to use Science Shepherd next school year! . . . As a homeschool mom, I am truly thankful for Science Shepherd. As I mentioned before my son has done a complete 360 in homeschool. He has become more independent and confident. He has started to enjoy learning and I love that for him. It's funny how a year ago both of us were avoiding science now it is his first thing to do each day.
The Bailey Family
We have used Science Shepherd [Physical Science] this year and we have really enjoyed it . . . It's been very engaging. My student was able to do most of this course on her own without help on my part . . . Overall, I would say that this is a really wonderful homeschool science curriculum that is the nice mix of engaging, motivating and yet challenging for your students.
Homeschool.com, Watch Full Review
We are so thankful for your material. I have been homeschooling for 20 years and we have never found a science curriculum that the kids and I love. It’s the only subject that we have bounced around in over the years. My daughter did Physical Science last year and thrived. She learned so much and it’s very accessible. We are looking forward to Living Science this year. My only wish is that I had this curriculum for my older kids. Thank you for your work in putting this together.
Belinda P.
We are enjoying [Physical Science] right now. Hands down has been the best thing! The built in experiments are easy for my 5th grader to understand.
Jenna B.
They actually had fun learning Archaeology, so much so, that my youngest son who’s 8 told me that he wants to be an Archaeologist when he grows up.
Marilyn K., Learning Resources for Kids, Read Full Review
I love this program! It is very well done with short video lectures. :) The kids enjoy the worksheets that reinforce the video lessons. I have my kids who are over 10 years old do the complete workbook lessons. The kids under 10 work on the word searches and participate in our conversations.
Catherine R.
If you're not sure which Science Shepherd course is right for your family, check out our Recommended Course Progression blog post. It presents the "official" sequence for completing Science Shepherd material and the general age/grade range for each class.