  • Live Classes Now Available

    Homeschool live classes banner showing classroom with chairs and pencils

    Live Homeschool Science

    Science Shepherd is excited to offer live, online homeschool science classes, taught by Dr. Scott Hardin! Classes are available in biology, chemistry, life science and physics. Each subject is taught in a once per week, 45—60-minute class, plus time for student questions. Classes are hosted on the Science Shepherd student portal and are recorded to be available anytime should a student miss a class or want to watch it again. To tailor the learning experience to your student, several options are offered for each class in review/test grading and labs, including virtual labs. Class size is limited, so register soon!

    Sorry, no live classes will be offered for the 2023-24 school year.

    Enroll Today

    Available Subjects

    Biology: a comprehensive college-prep biology curriculum for high school (grades 9-12). Topics covered include the chemistry of life, cells, DNA and genes, plants, animals, anatomy and physiology, creation/evolution and more.

    Fundamentals of Chemistry: a comprehensive chemistry curriculum for middle/high school (grades 7-12). Topics covered include the history of chemistry, atoms, bonding, molecules, radioactive chemistry and more.

    Fundamentals of Physics: a comprehensive physics curriculum for middle/high school (grades 8-12). Topics covered include the states of matter, Newton's laws of motion, waves, radioactive physics and more.

    Life Science: a comprehensive life science curriculum for middle/high school (grades 6-10). Topics covered include the characteristics of life, cells, heredity, classification, anatomy and physiology, creation/evolution and more.

    For the 2022-2023 school year, live Biology and Life Science classes will be offered on Tuesdays. Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Physics will be offered on Thursdays.

    About the Professor

    Dr. Scott Hardin is a physician and the author of Science Shepherd Biology, Life Science, Fundamentals of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Physics. Dr. Hardin has a passion for teaching, no matter the age or experience level of the student. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Hardin has taught grade school, middle school, high school and college students, as well as medical school students, post-graduate resident and fellow physicians-in-training, post-graduate physical therapy doctoral candidates, and has coached hockey, golf and soccer. He loves to teach! Dr. Hardin is a "young earth" creationist and enjoys speaking on the topic.