  • Embarrassing Information!

    February 16, 2022 1 min read

    Green dna on background of 1s and 0s binary code information

    What does information theory tell us about origins?

    Recently, Science Shepherd author Dr. Scott Hardin was invited to speak at the Midwest Creation Fellowship's February meeting. Dr. Hardin's topic was a survey of the growing genetic information database and its implications to the creation/evolution origins debate. The conclusion? Information theory invalidates the evolution model while completely supporting the creation model of Genesis. Watch the full presentation below, and keep reading to learn about the annual MCF essay contest.

    Essay Contest

    Each year, our friends at the Midwest Creation Fellowship hold a student essay contest, open from January 1 to April 30. Students do not need to be members of the MCF to participate and entries are accepted from homeschool, private and public school students around the world. Essays must relate to the subject of creation vs. evolution, but may focus on a number of topics within that category. Oh, and did we mention that a cash prize is awarded!? To learn more, visit the MCF contest page.

    Free Video Series

    Cover image for The Genesis Worldview video series showing an earth with blue horizon

    To learn more from Dr. Hardin, enroll in our free 13-part series The Genesis Worldview. Analyze a wide-range of topics, including the history of naturalism, radiometric dating, people and dinosaurs, cosmology and more, to learn that science aligns with the sufficiency of Scripture.

    Until next time!
    Science Shepherd