February 05, 2019 2 min read
We are excited to be a marketing partner with Schoolhouse Rocked! As part of this partnership, we are pleased to offer a 10% discount on Backstage Pass Memberships.
The Schoolhouse Rocked Backstage Pass is where you will find exclusive, members-only video, audio, homeschooling resources, and more. The mission at Schoolhouse Rocked is to encourage and equip homeschool families. To that end, they want to provide great resources to help homeschooling families succeed – to start strong and finish well! In filming for Schoolhouse Rocked, we have shot over 100 interviews with homeschool families, students, authors, speakers, curriculum publishers, and community leaders, and each week they interview a new homeschooling expert for the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. Recently we were honored to be interviewed for their podcast, which will be available next week. You can watch a preview of the interview below.
Subscribe for free at SchoolhouseRocked.com/members/ and get immediate access to great video clips, featuring helpful homeschooling tips and encouragement from the cast of Schoolhouse Rocked. You will also get a free gift when you subscribe! Download 90 minutes of exclusive videos from Heidi St. John, Sam Sorbo, Andrew Kern, and Josh Tolley – yours to keep!
★ Paid Backstage Pass Members get access to EVERYTHING! This is where you get a detailed look behind the scenes and get to see uncut interviews with the leading experts in homeschooling. New content is added every week! Not only do Backstage Pass Members get great benefits, but your membership supports production on Schoolhouse Rocked and helps provide important homeschooling resources to the community. Join today at SchoolhouseRocked.com/members/paid-memberships/. Memberships normally cost just $4.99 per month, but Science Shepherd users can save 10% on any paid membership by using the coupon code "Science-Shepherd_10"!
Until Next Time!
Science Shepherd
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