  • The Philosophy and History of Origins


    *eBook orders, please see eBook details below.

    Or shop more: Creation Science


    The Philosophy & History of Origins presents an overview of the creation science and evolution models of the origins of life. Explore natural selection, fossil dogma, radiometric dating and more.

    Interested in learning more about creation science? Check out these free resources, including the multi-part series The Genesis Worldview! Or watch a full preview lesson.

    Key Features

    • In-depth overview of creation science and the philosophy behind the creation and evolution origin models.
    • Examine topics such as information theory, natural selection, neo-Darwinism and more.
    • High-quality, full-color pictures and graphics.
    • Choice of format: paperback or digital eBook.

    Age/Grade Recommendations

    • 9th grade and up, ages 14+.


    eBook format provides a 12-month subscription to The Philosophy & History of Origins eBook. Please allow 2 business days for eBook orders to be processed. 12‑month access period begins once order is processed. eBooks are accessed via the RedShelf app and cannot be printed. Find the right version of the app for your device(s) below, or learn more about eBook features and our partnership with EdTech Solutions on our blog.

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    • ISBN-13: 9780991636969
    • 170+ pages
    • Scope & Sequence
    • Paperback printed in the USA.
    • Internet/data connection required for digital content, charges may apply.
    • Science Shepherd courses are intended for family/household use only; please see our co-op information for using our creation science resources in a co-op or classroom.

    About Science Shepherd Homeschool Curriculum

    Science Shepherd Homeschool Curriculum was developed by Dr. Scott Hardin, a homeschool dad and physician who experienced firsthand the need for quality, higher level creation science curricula for the homeschool community. The growing Science Shepherd catalog includes Introductory Science for elementary school, Life Science and Biology to aid parents in homeschooling through the higher grade levels, Unearthing the Bible for all ages and much more.

    Award-Winning Homeschool Curriculum

    Science Shepherd has been awarded multiple Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards, Educational Website Awards, and receives rave reviews from homeschool families. You can be confident that our creation science curriculum will provide an excellent educational experience to your student.

    Practical Homeschooling 2023 Reader Award for Elementary Science award Educational Websites Awards Winner 2023 seal for online Educational Websites Awards Winner 2022 seal for online scienceHow to Homeschool Best Homeschool Products & Curriculum of 2023-24 Award Winner badge

    The Genesis Worldview

    Watch the entirety of part 1 of our free class, The Genesis Worldview, without needing to enroll! In this lesson, Dr. Hardin introduces the basics of what a worldview is and why it matters to the discussion of Scripture and creation science.